Saturday, 20 May 2000

Old Lady in Mayoral Race

Radical Program to 'Tidy Up London'
In a move that shook the political establishment to its very core, Mrs Agnes Norb of Dulwich, this morning announced that she would be running for Mayor of London with a radical programme to 'Tidy Up Our Capital. "Our capital is just too messy", explained the saucy septagenarian, "and I can't bear it. I intend to square everything off nicely." Her plan is to take the bits of London that flail about the edges and move them so that London is as squared-off as possible. Her aim is to attain Pythagorus' classical golden rectangle.

Her brilliant plan (shown below) will see half of Havering sliced off, rotated through 180ยบ and moved just east of Bromley. There will be similar relocations for parts of Bromley, Sutton, Croydon, Enfield and Barnet. Mrs Norb would like to see any spaces filled up with fragments of Norwich.